Era Manga Online Sudah Berakhir

Seperti postingan saya sebelumnya, kekhawatiran akan hilangnya manga online dari peredaran dunia maya mulai terjadi. Dimulai dengan di hapusnya database dari server dan yang terbaru adalah per Agustus 2010 tidak akan mengupload serial manga lagi.

Jadi bagi anda penggemar One Piece yang selalu mengikuti lewat harus kecewa.

Berikut pernyataan resmi dari mereka :

"There is an end to everything, to good things as well."

It pains me to announce that this is the last week of manga reading on One Manga (!!). Manga publishers have recently changed their stance on manga scanlations and made it clear that they no longer approve of it. We have decided to abide by their wishes, and remove all manga content (regardless of licensing status) from the site. The removal of content will happen gradually (so you can at least finish some of the outstanding reading you have), but we expect all content to be gone by early next week (RIP OM July 2010).

So what next? We're not really sure at this point, but we have some ideas we would like to try out. Until then, the One Manga forums will remain active and we encourage all of you to continue using them. OMF has developed into a great community and it would be a shame to see that disappear.

You can also show us some love in this moment of sadness by 'liking' our brand new Facebook page. It would be nice to see just how many of you came to enjoy our 'better than peanut butter and jelly' invention.

Regardless of whether you stay with us or not, on behalf of the One Manga team, I would like to thank you all for your unwavering support over the years. Through the ups and downs you have stuck with us, and that is what kept us going.

As a certain Porky was fond of saying... That's all folks!

Time for me to go lay down and let this all sink in.

- Zabi ( )

Oke, untuk sementara harapan kita tinggal pada

jika situs ini ditutup juga saya tidak tau kemana lagi kita bisa menikmati serial one piece ini. Bagi temen temen semua yang ada link baru boleh info lewat komentar di bawah.

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